DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine) and HL7 (health level seven) are essential healthcare protocols that facilitate consistent and interoperable communication of medical imaging, clinical, and administrative data across systems, devices, and departments. 

dicom hl7

DICOM/HL7 connectivity for PeriFlux 6000

Our DICOM and HL7 options for PeriFlux 6000 systems* enable your Perimed instrument to communicate with other hospital systems. Users can access scheduled patient data via the PeriFlux 6000 interface (PSW ExM) and automatically distribute the results report to connected systems — eliminating manual data entry and time-consuming printing, scanning, and manual uploading of reports and results.

*PeriFlux 6000 Combined System, PeriFlux 6000 Pressure System, and PeriFlux 6000 TcpO2 System.

DICOM option

The DICOM option for PeriFlux 6000 systems* supports data import and export via DICOM (MWL and PACS). Import provides direct access to patient data in the PeriFlux 6000 interface. When the patient exam is complete, PeriFlux 6000 gathers results in a report and exports it. Each page of the report is exported as a DICOM image, providing a comprehensive set of results that healthcare providers can access instantly through any connected system, such as the EMR (electronic medical record). 

DICOM/HL7 option

The DICOM/HL7 option for PeriFlux 6000 systems* supports the automatic export of exam reports via HL7 and provides features for including structured/discrete data in the export. For example, you could include the value for left-toe blood pressure in the export. This feature provides healthcare providers with insightful patient analytics that help to interpret results.    


DICOM Modality Worklist and PACS are relatively easy to implement in the PeriFlux 6000 interface (PSW ExM). To ensure compatibility, implementing HL7 requires coordination between your IT department and our technical support team.